Learn Skills, Advance your Career

Choose Excellence, Choose Us!

Star Skills and Technologies

"Star Skills and Technologies: Where expert guidance, hands-on learning, industry connections, and affordable excellence combine to launch your tech career."

  • Hands-On Experience: Get real-world skills from day one.
  • Affordable Tuition: Quality education without the big price tag.
  • Varied Courses: Explore coding, design, and safety—all in one place.
  • Job-Ready Skills: Graduate with the tools employers want.
  • Cutting-Edge Facilities: Train with the latest tech gear.
  • Supportive Community: Join a passionate tech tribe.
  • Personalized Guidance: Receive one-on-one help when needed.


Our Quality Services


We empower the students. Our technical college offers different technical, safety, and computer courses. So! Join us for a better future


We offer different classes for creative and artistic people. Unlock your passion for learning Microsoft Office, Adobe, CorelDraw, and AutoCAD etc with us.


Good well-being leads to good working performance. Our foremost priority is the removal of poverty and hunger. So hand in hand with us and help the people!


The computers brings back a more seamless kind of learning. We provide the complete solution to Computer Hardware and software problems.


Mobile entertainment is a huge opportunity. There's no more important consumer product today than a cell phone. We also have a complete sale and services solution for mobile phones.


The laptopss brings back a more seamless kind of learning. We provide the complete solution to Computer Hardware and software problems.

Athar Mahmood

Ceo & Founder

The Purpose of the Star Skills & Technologies is to Educate & Provide the General Public about Computer and Technical Education & Equipments. Praised by the Star Skills & Technologies International Methodology and Qualified Staff, it Builds Confidence in Embracing the Hidden Capabilities of Students and Encourages Young People to Meet the Needs and Challenges of a Century.

Muhammad Moosa


I can't say enough about the community at Star Skills and Technologies. It's not just an institute; it's a supportive family of tech enthusiasts. The personal guidance I received, along with their industry connections, made all the difference in landing a fantastic job in graphic design.

Ahtisham Zahid


Affordability was a significant concern for me, and Star Skills and Technologies exceeded my expectations. The quality of education I received for the tuition I paid was unbeatable. The curriculum and hands-on experience truly prepared me for a successful career in the tech world.

Hamid Mehmood


Star Skills and Technologies provided me with more than just an education; they provided me with a future. The individualized support and proven track record of success gave me the confidence to chase my tech dreams, and now I'm proudly working in a top-tier tech position.